Sunday, March 28, 2010

Alcohol Is the Socially Prevalent Addiction

Alcohol Is the Socially Prevalent Addiction

Alcohol addiction is extremely difficult to overcome. Not physically, and not even mentally, but because it is the most prevalent. It is the drink of choice for celebrations. After a day at the office gathering around the water cooler, people often spend time socializing in a watering hole. Fifty-two percent of people over the age of 18 are regular drinkers in the USA. The occasional drink is not a problem for the majority of people who indulge. There are lots of alcoholics to be found among those social drinkers. According to recent statistics nearly 17.6 million Americans abuse alcohol on a regular basis or are alcoholics. One of the ways to handle alcoholism or alcohol abuse is with a biophysical alcohol detox.
How to Identify Alcoholism
There are four distinguishing traits to help identify that a person is an alcoholic. Strong cravings for alcohol are present in the individual. They do not have control over how much they drink, and will not do so of their own accord. It will take the intervention of another person, illness, or blacking out. Physical dependence is evident by the presence of withdrawal symptoms such as shakiness, nausea, or sweating when the person suspends drinking for a period of time. Tolerance, a person needs to drink more and more for the alcohol to have any effect.
There are many physical and mental dangers from consuming excessive amounts of alcohol. The risk of certain cancers is increased. Permanent damage is caused to the brain and liver, as well as, other organs. It can cause birth defects to the fetus if a mother drinks during pregnancy. As a result of alcohol abuse suicides, homicides, death from car crashes and injuries all increase. However, there is a cure for alcoholism. It just will take the right kind of rehab.
Successful Rehabs
If you or someone you love is an alcoholic it is best to skip the faith-based programs. Success is achieved by only 5-10% of the people who attend them. They believe that alcoholism isn't curable. This is misinformation. They do not provide any tools to stay away from alcohol because of this belief.
The desired results are achieved in holistic alcohol rehab programs. Seventy to eighty percent is their success rate. A comprehensive treatment of the addiction provides the individual with tools they can use outside of rehab to stay on the wagon.
Each person gets an individualized addiction management plan that addresses both the mental and physical sides of the alcohol abuse, or in severe cases alcoholism. After the rehab is done the recovery is complete. Fear of relapse is not a problem. Individuals can go to social gatherings where drinks are being served.

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